😈Vulnerabilities list

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Logical and Popular

  • Improper Input Validation

  • Inocrrect Calculation

  • Weak Access Control

  • Rounding Errors


  • Reentrancy via Modifier

  • Read-Only Reentrancy

  • Cross-Function Reentrancy

  • Cross-Contract Reentrancy


  • Front-Running - Unprotected withdraw

  • Front-Running - Sandwich attack

  • Front-Running - ERC20 approval

  • Front-Running - Signatures

  • Back-Running

Flash Loan

  • Unprotected Flash Loan

  • Flash-Loan Governance Attack

  • Flash-Loan Price Attack

Old versioned contracts

  • Integer Underflow

  • Integer Overflow

Denial of Service

  • Denial Of Service (DOS) by complex fallback function

  • Denial Of Service (DOS) by gas limit

  • Denial Of Service (DOS) by non-existent address or malicious contract


  • Force Feeding

  • Uninitialized Proxy

  • Floating Point Arithmetic

  • ECDSA Signature malleability

  • ECDSA Signature replay

  • Replay Attack

  • Price Oracle Manipulation

  • Cross-Chain Bridge Manipulation

  • Initial Supply Mint Issue

  • Divide before multiply

  • DeFi Slippage attack

  • Amplification Attack Double Spending

  • Malicious Honeypot

  • Unsafe Delegatecalls

  • Loops Gas Limit

  • Phishing With Improper Authorization

  • Unexpected Ether With Forcibly Sending Ether

  • Block timestamp Manipulation

  • Unchecked return values

  • Insecure Randomness

  • Proxy Storage Collision

  • Strict equalities

  • Timestamp Dependence

  • Use of Deprecated Functions

  • Requirement Validation

  • Absent modifiers

  • Rounding Down To Zero

  • Race Condition

  • Short Address/Parameter Attack

  • Gas Limit Exhaustion

  • Unchecked External Calls

  • Fallback Function Vulnerabilities

Last updated