FV-SOL-4-C3 Lack of Multi-Signature for Crucial Operations
If a critical function (like transferring large funds or changing important contract settings) is controlled by a single address (usually the contract owner), it creates a single point of failure.
Consider the risks associated with allowing a single administrator to have complete control over all contract funds. What might be a safer approach for sensitive operations like withdrawAllFunds?
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT// Open me in VSCode and really think before opening the hints!// Add @audit tags wherever suspicious// Go to the solidity docs to complete missing knowledge of what's happening here// Solve by drafting a fix!pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract SingleAdminOperation {addresspublic admin;uint256public contractBalance;constructor() { admin = msg.sender; }functiondeposit() publicpayable { contractBalance += msg.value; }functionwithdrawAllFunds(address payable recipient) public {require(msg.sender == admin,"Only admin can withdraw funds"); recipient.transfer(contractBalance); contractBalance =0; }}
For highly sensitive actions, it’s often wise to have multiple parties involved. Think about how consensus could add security here.
Consider if adding conditions or roles for more than one user might mitigate the risk of a single point of control.
mapping(address=>bool) public approvers;uint256public approvalCount;uint256public requiredApprovals;// Fix: Constructor now sets up initial approvers and required approvalsconstructor(address[] memory initialApprovers,uint256_requiredApprovals) {require(_requiredApprovals <= initialApprovers.length,"Invalid number of required approvals");for (uint256 i =0; i < initialApprovers.length; i++) { approvers[initialApprovers[i]] =true; } requiredApprovals = _requiredApprovals; admin = msg.sender;}functionapproveWithdrawal() public {require(approvers[msg.sender],"Not authorized to approve"); approvalCount +=1;}functionwithdrawAllFunds(address payable recipient) public {require(approvalCount >= requiredApprovals,"Not enough approvals"); recipient.transfer(contractBalance); contractBalance =0; approvalCount =0; // Reset approval count after withdrawal}