FV-SOL-4-C1 Using tx.origin for Authorization


Using tx.origin for authorization is insecure because tx.origin includes the original external account that initiated the transaction, even if the transaction passed through multiple contracts.

This makes it vulnerable to phishing attacks where an attacker tricks a privileged user (like an admin) into calling a malicious contract, which then calls the vulnerable contract using tx.origin as authorization.

In such cases, msg.sender is a safer alternative for authorization, as it only represents the immediate caller of the function.


Find the bad access control implementation

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Open me in VSCode and really think before opening the hints!
// Add @audit tags wherever suspicious
// Go to the solidity docs to complete missing knowledge of what's happening here
// Solve by drafting a fix!
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract TxOriginAuthGame {
    address public admin;

    constructor() {
        admin = msg.sender; // Set the deployer as admin

    function restrictedAction() public view returns (string memory) {
        require(tx.origin == admin, "Only admin can call this function");
        return "Admin action performed!";

Last updated