FV-SOL-9 Unbounded Loops
Overly verbose iterations can result in failed transactions, denial of service, and reduced contract usability
Dynamic Array (FV-SOL-9-C1)
This issue arises when a loop iterates over a dynamic array (an array whose size can grow over time) without bounds or a reasonable upper limit
Unrestricted Mapping (FV-SOL-9-C2)
Solidity mappings do not provide a way to iterate over keys natively. However, if developers use an array to track mapping keys for iteration, looping through the keys can lead to unbounded loops if the array grows indefinitely
Recursive Calls (FV-SOL-9-C3)
Although Solidity does not support native recursion due to lack of stack depth, developers may attempt recursive-like behavior by using repetitive function calls that mimic loops
Reentrancy Loops (FV-SOL-9-C4)
When a loop involves multiple calls to external contracts (e.g., token.transfer()
or someOtherContract.call()
), the gas cost becomes unpredictable and can be higher than expected due to the external call’s complexity.
Non-Optimized Nested Loops (FV-SOL-9-C5)
Nested loops are particularly costly because the gas cost grows exponentially with each layer of nesting. This is especially problematic when the loop conditions are based on user data or dynamic array lengths
Mitigation Patterns
Batch Processing (FV-SOL-9-M1)
Break down large loops into smaller batches, allowing users to process data over multiple transactions rather than a single on
Gas Hard Limit (FV-SOL-9-M2)
Set a gas threshold or limit for loop processing and exit the loop once it approaches that threshold
Avoid Dynamic Data in Loops (FV-SOL-9-M3)
Limit loop iterations to fixed-sized arrays or arrays with capped sizes. Avoid using user-input data or dynamic arrays in loop conditions
Events Instead of Iteration (FV-SOL-9-M4)
In cases where a function needs to notify many users or accounts, consider emitting events instead of looping through recipients, allowing users to handle their own state separately
Actual Occurrences
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