👨‍🔬What Smart Contract Auditing Firms Require

We collected a list of job postings from smart contract auditing firms to deduce requirements that will land you a job. Especially useful before preparing to an interview, to know what is expected.

The list was extracted from many sources, and is updated from time to time.

How it's filled - I browse relevant job listings from audit firms, and for relevant job postings, increment the numbers in the table below.

The counted requirements are for postings that do not prereqeuisite previous audit history, but do require an impressive security related background.

Also, since humans mostly write these, the results are not conclusive. Merely the fact that a requirement is listed here means at least some company is requiring it and it's worth memorizing before a job interview.

Several public job postings:

https://boards.eu.greenhouse.io/nethermind/jobs/4195521101 https://hexens.io/careers https://www.auditjobs.xyz/

Last updated