FV-ANC-3 Account/Ownership Validations
Verify account state and permissions.
FV-ANC-3-CL1 Trying to modify an account without checking if it's writeableFV-ANC-3-CL2 Trying to access account data without ownership checksFV-ANC-3-CL3 Usage of UncheckedAccount without manual ownership checkFV-ANC-3-CL4 Usage of UncheckedAccount without manual signer checkFV-ANC-3-CL5 No is_initialized check when operating on an accountFV-ANC-3-CL6 Missing account constraintsFV-ANC-3-CL7 Duplicate mutable accountsFV-ANC-3-CL8 Using ctx.remaining_accounts without manual ownership checkFV-ANC-3-CL9 Using ctx.remaining_accounts without manual discriminator checkFV-ANC-3-CL10 Using ctx.remaining_accounts without non-zero data checkFV-ANC-3-CL11 No reload after account mutation